Grand Bend Strip – June 11, 2008 – SHDHS Students of the Year 1090
Originally uploaded by CaseyLessard
Lauren Haberer
Parents: Steve and Michele Haberer of Zurich
Nickname: Low
Known for: Good Marks
Fall 2008: Ottawa for Political Science
Most Embarrassing Moment: We were out for lunch, the badminton team after WOSSAA, and our coach ordered 20 chicken wings. We were like, “You can eat 20 chicken wings, that’s a lot.” He said, “Man, I could eat 40 back in my day. I said, Think of all the chickens that is. That’s like 80 chickens.” Everybody stopped and said, “Uh? Does a chicken have half a wing or what?”
Regret: Not playing volleyball every year. I only played in Grade 10 and 12, and I wish I had played every year.
Thank you: to all my teachers, coaches, friends and family.