Grand Bend Strip – June 11, 2008 – SHDHS Students of the Year 1468
Originally uploaded by CaseyLessard
Kurt Van Osch
Parents: Gerald and Lori Van Osch, outside of Mt. Carmel
Nickname: Van O
Known for: Sports. That’s about all I’m known for.
Fall 2008: Guelph for Business Agriculture
Most Memorable Moment: OFSAA hockey championships in Ottawa this year. Just being in the hotel with my friends and playing my favourite sport.
Most Embarrassing Moment: Grade 9. I was walking with all the Grade 12s and I dropped my book and all my papers fell out. Having the Grade 12s look down on you is pretty embarrassing.
Regret: Not focusing on school enough, but I still got into the program I wanted.
Thank you: to my parents for sure, all my friends and all my teachers. I’ve had good teachers for every class.
Sorry to: my English teachers; I feel sorry for them having to mark my papers all the time.