Partners in Learning, which is launching a new session this month (see p 13), has a new spin-off group that is planning to show feature films once a month. The group, called Sunset Cinema, will air its first film, Big Fish, January 22 at 7 p.m. at the Grand Bend CHC. Future films will show the first Thursday of each month from September to May.
Jane St. Laurent, Jackie Southcott and Dinah Taylor are the current film selection committee, and have only decided on the first film but are already planning for the future.
“We’re hoping to show films that are not readily available in our community,” Taylor says. “We get a lot of the blockbusters in London, but there are a lot of others that never get here. We’re looking at films from the last 10 years and hopefully newer ones.”
The group has no budget, and can’t charge admission; donations are welcome to help afford movies that incur a cost.
While there is no specific theme to the programming, the group is leaning away from overtly violent or sexual films, but 14A-rated films such as Paul Haggis’ Crash are being considered. The group wants films to generate discussion, which will take place after the films for those who wish to stay; the discussions are optional as the film presentations are also intended for entertainment purposes.
For more information about the films, watch for posters or call Dinah Taylor at 519-238-1114.