I Love You is a play for all ages

By Casey Lessard

If you’ve ever been single or married, you’ll be able to relate to I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change, playing until August 31 at the Huron Country Playhouse. The musical comedy revue deals with the comic aspects of dating, marriage, having kids, and getting older and still dating.
“A lot of people liken it to a musical version of Seinfeld,” director Marc Richard says. “It has all the characters from the old to the young, and it’s really quite hilarious. It’s one of the funniest I’ve done, and stylistically the music ranges from pop to rock to reggae to 50s be-bop.”
Four actors portray more than 60 actors in 22 scenes, which means lots of costume and set changes.
“Each new scene was like a mini-play within itself. The play travels through a first date, to people getting married, marriage itself, having kids, and to an elderly couple who have both lost their partners and are considering dating again. I think everyone can relate to all of those things.”
The play tackles the question of what couples do after one partner dies or when they separate late in life.
“Historically, there has been a precedent that once your life partner has died, you don’t generally start looking again, but I think we have a more progressive senior population, so I think we’re going to see more seniors dating. How do they meet people, what do they do on a date, how does their family feel about this?”
Richard says you should look for strong performances from actor-singers Mairi Babb, who played Eliza Doolittle in this year’s My Fair Lady, Kristen Galer, Michael Lomenda, and Mark Weatherley.
For tickets, call the box office at 519-238-6000 or visit:

Ticket Winners
Fifteen Grand Bend Strip readers and their guests will be enjoying a performance of I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change at the Huron Country Playhouse this Friday, July 18 courtesy of Drayton Entertainment. Our winners were: Margaret Bright, Christine Chappell, Annette Clayton, Bob Dietrich, Patti Hunt, Jean Mason, Bill and Christine Osmond, Nell Smeekens, Dorothy Smith, Peter Soroka, Bonnie Sterling, John Tomkin, Fred Willard, Anne Wilson, and Pam Wulterkens.
Thank you to the many people who called to enter this contest, and if you don’t yet have tickets, call 519-238-6000 or visit: http://www.huroncountryplayhouse.com.