Lambton Shores hopes residents will get in the spirit and make their community bloom with red this summer. The Lambton Shores Communities in Bloom committee is organizing initiatives to compete for the 2008 provincial title, which is judged based on eight criteria for all municipal, commercial/industrial and residential properties in the municipality: tidiness, environmental awareness, community involvement, natural and cultural heritage, landscaped areas, floral designs, urban forest, turf and ground cover.
The theme for Lambton Shores is red, so you are encouraged to “Think RED for your garden bed” when purchasing your spring plantings.
Other initiatives include the Trash Bash Day held last month, Adopt a Pot/Plot program, a Lambton Shores “Brag Book” for the judges tour, the promotion of Lambton Shores “Going Green” strategies, and the Garden of the Week.
For the Adopt a Pot/Plot program, a family, business or community group chooses to look after a planter arrangement or plot of land identified by the committee.
The Garden of the Week program will launch in the last week of June. Winners will receive a sign to be placed in their garden.
Judges will tour the community in the summer, and the committee plans to ensure they experience a sunset on the Grand Bend beach. The judges will also meet with local community group representatives to discuss the Grand Bend projects that demonstrate the eight judging criteria.
For more information about Communities in Bloom in your town, your contacts are Shirley Andraza and Christine Bregman for Grand Bend, and Grace Dekker for Port Franks.