By Rita Lessard
How tea bags can help you
For dry skin
Bathe in green tea. Just throw a few tea bags under a running faucet and the antioxidants will rehydrate your skin.
Tidy cats
Allow used tea bags to air-dry, then add the contents to kitty litter. Tea’s antibacterial properties neutralize odour.
Natural deodorizer
When cooking with fish or garlic, wipe the palms of your hands with wet tea bags after handling the food. Odours will disappear.
No more rust
After washing, wipe cast iron pots and pans with used tea bags. The tannins in the tea create a rust preventing layer.
– From Women’s World magazine
Stress busters
Review your purpose – remember why you are doing what you’re doing.
Take stretch breaks – if you’re overwhelmed, take five minutes to walk the dog or smell the coffee (that’s easy for me because I work at Tim Horton’s).
Listen to your intuition – there have been times when I have wondered what to do in a situation and I trusted my intuition. It’s always worked for me.
Rub your feet and hands – there are points in your feet and hands that, when rubbed, will relieve stress. I tell the girls at work to do this when they have headaches. I do it, too, because I know it works.
Quotes of the week
You make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give. – Anonymous
Live to learn and you will learn to live. – Portuguese proverb